DAY 10 Zero Waste Challenge: Decluttering Wardrobe

Now that fall is slowly coming, it is safe to say that your wardrobe will need a change very soon. Some clothes will go, and snuggly clothing pieces will take their place. And while you're at it, decluttering your wardrobe might sound like a good idea. 

Taking a good look at the clothes you really like and need is the first step. Then look at the clothes you still have hanging in the wardrobe for which you never really seem to find a good enough reason to wear. Those could go towards charity, family or friends. There is also another way - find an event where you can swap clothes with others!

Keeping a closet neatly organized and only with the clothes you actually wear can have a positive impact in your life and more than likely will save you plenty of time. We all know how hard it is to find the right outfit to wear in the mornings.  Also, think about your shoes, bags or belts as a part of the decluttering process.


  • Stick to the basic pieces when decluttering your wardrobe.
  • Be ruthless, if you worn it only a couple times or at all in the last year, it’s out.
  • The clothes that are out can be either sold or given to charity, friends or family.

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