DAY 28 Zero Waste Challenge: Plastic Straws

In today's world a plastic straw it's almost a must have when going out for a drink at a restaurant or any coffee shop near you. In fact we are so used to having them around that most people never get to wonder where do all go once we're done with them. 

The vast majority of straws used around the world are made of plastic, and only recently on the market were introduced straws made from stainless steel or bamboo, plus other biodegradable alternatives. The only problem is that these straws won't be found at the restaurant or coffee shop you usually go to, but rather you would have to purchase them by yourself. 

Most of the plastic straws end up in oceans and the ones the don't can be found in landfills and unfortunately on our streets as well.

To help you understand more about this issue we put together a list of facts about plastic straws and their impact on the environment.

Plastic straw facts and statistics:
  • 500 million is the number of straws used by Americans daily
  • Plastic straws ate the 11th most found ocean trash as of 2017
  • It takes up to 200 years for a plastic straw to decompose, and they can't be recycled in most places
  • 8.5 billion plastic straws are thrown away each year in the UK alone
It's not all grimm though, as good news come from Europe, some of the most commonly used plastic items such as straws, single-use cutlery and plates will be banned by 2021.


In today's challenge we ask you to swap your plastic straws from home with stainless steel straws or any other sustainable ones you can find. And also avoid asking for a straw when going at a restaurant or when you get your morning coffe from your local coffe shop.

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